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I Can't Help It(爵士钢琴弹唱谱)简谱

作者:歌谱网 来源:http://www.gepuwang.net/ 时间:2016-12-17
I Can't Help It(爵士钢琴弹唱谱)简谱该歌谱演奏者为迈克尔杰克逊,歌曲名称为I Can't Help It,歌谱类型为简谱。迈克尔杰克逊专辑《Off The Wall》中的一首歌曲。

I Can't Help It(爵士钢琴弹唱谱)简谱

I Can't Help It(爵士钢琴弹唱谱)简谱


此曲是迈克尔杰克逊专辑《Off The Wall》中的一首歌曲,由著名盲人音乐家史提夫·汪达(Stevie Wonder)制作。


I Can't Help It 我情不自禁
Looking in my mirror 看着镜中的自己
Took me by surprise 我感到无比的诧异
I can't help but see you 对你的思念时常情不自禁的
Running often through my mind 浮现于脑海
Helpless like baby 如同婴儿般的无助
Sensual disguise 尽力掩饰着自己的情欲
I can't help but love you 对你的爱不禁
It gets better all the time 日益加深
I can't help it if I want to 我情不自禁,尽管我想要克制
I wouldn't help it even if I could 我情不自禁,尽管我应当克制
I can't help it if I want to 我情不自禁,尽管我想要克制
I wouldn't help it, no 但我无能为力,一点办法也没有
I can't help it if I want to 我情不自禁,尽管我想要克制
I wouldn't help it wven if I could 我情不自禁,尽管我应当克制
I can't help it if I want to 我情不自禁,尽管我想要克制
I wouldn't help it , no 但我无能为力,一点办法也没有
Love to run my fingers 爱在我的指间流淌
Softly while you sigh 你的娇喘如此的轻柔
Love came and possessed you 爱情降临并占据了你
Bringing sparkles to your eyes 激起你明哞中的火花
Like a trip to heaven 如同一次去往天堂的旅行
Heaven is the prize 这是上天的奖赏
I'm so glad I found you 我是如此的庆幸能够遇上你
You're an angel in disguise 你便是那乔装改扮的天使
I can't help it if I want to 我情不自禁,尽管我想要克制
I wouldn't help it even if I could 我情不自禁,尽管我应当克制
I can't help it if I want to 我情不自禁,尽管我想要克制
I would't help it,no 但我无能为力,一点办法也没有....

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