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作者:歌谱网 来源:http://www.gepuwang.net/ 时间:2017-04-30
Skyfall独奏版钢琴谱该歌谱演奏者为Adele Laurie Blue Adkins ,歌曲名称为Skyfall,歌谱类型为钢琴谱。《Skyfall》是英国流行女歌手阿黛尔·阿德金斯演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由阿黛尔和英国音乐制作人保罗·艾普沃斯联手创作。这首歌作为电影《007:大破天幕杀机》的主题曲,于2012年10月5日发布。








在会见了《007:大破天幕杀机》的摄制组后,阿黛尔便对导演萨姆·门德斯说自己其实并不是他们要找的人,因为她的作品都是个人化的。然而萨姆·门德斯回答她说只需要写一首个人化的歌曲就可以了,还告诉她可以用电影《海底城》中的主题曲《Nobody Does It Better》作为创作灵感。阿黛尔在确认为电影谱曲并演唱后,再次和制作人保罗·艾普沃斯共同创作了这首歌曲,她在阅读了《007:大破天幕杀机》的剧本后,很快就找到了创作方向。于是,她将自己坠入爱河时的情感经历与电影的部分情节融入到歌曲中。在编曲方面,蒙蒂·诺曼集合了詹姆斯·邦德主题的若干元素,歌曲历时18个月完成。


This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall
At skyfall
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
Where worlds collide and days are dark
You may have my number, you can take my name
But you'll never have my heart
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall
Where you go I go
What you see I see
I know I'd never be me
Without the security
Of your loving arms
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
At skyfall
Let the sky fall
We will stand tall
At skyfall
