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黄色潜水艇(yellow submarine)钢琴谱

作者:歌谱网 来源:http://www.gepuwang.net/ 时间:2017-04-24
黄色潜水艇(yellow submarine)钢琴谱该歌谱演奏者为The Beatles ,歌曲名称为黄色潜水艇,歌谱类型为钢琴谱。《黄色潜水艇》(Yellow Submarine)是披头士乐队60年代的一首著名歌曲,最早发行于1969年2月,制作人Al Brodax就因这首“黄色潜水艇”突发奇想,再根据1967年专辑《帕伯军士孤独之心俱乐部乐队》所描述的幻觉影像,而有了这具体的动画构想,因此披头士乐队成员主演的同名动画电影《黄色潜水艇》也随之产生。亦有国内同名摇滚乐队黄色潜水艇。同时《黄色潜水艇》是1968年根据当时流行乐队甲壳虫的音乐专辑而改编的同名动画电影,目前已经绝版。

黄色潜水艇(yellow submarine)钢琴谱

黄色潜水艇(yellow submarine)钢琴谱


当时McCartney正住在时任女友Jane Asher父母的家中,他找到了创作的灵感:“当时我正躺在Asher阁楼的床上……我正想着为Ringo写首歌,最后写出来了,所以这首歌我没有弄得音域很广,就像个老水手之歌,开始时编个故事,告诉小孩儿们他住在那儿。这些大概就是我能回忆起来的……我想John 帮了些忙。歌词的创作有越来越多人参与,但合唱、旋律和独唱部分是我的。”  歌曲中的潜水艇原本有多种颜色,但后来改为只有黄色一种。 
1980年,Lennon谈到这首歌:“《Yello Submarine》是Paul的宝贝。我和Donovan在歌词上帮了些忙。事实上我们在录音室里把歌弄得跟真的似的,但这些都是基于Paul的灵感,他的注意,他的标题……为Ringo写的。”Donovan加了句“Sky of blue and sea of green”。  McCartney也说:“那是个快乐的地方,就是这样。你知道,我们在尝试写一首儿童歌曲。那就是最初的想法。你没法从任何儿童歌曲的歌词里解读出更多的东西。


In the town
where I was born
Lived a man
who sailed to sea
And he told
us of his life
In the land
of submarines
So we sailed
up to the sun
Till we found
the sea of green
And we lived
beneath the waves
In our yellow
We all live in a yellow submarine,
yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
And our friends
are all on board
Many more of them
live next door
And the band
begins to play
We all live in a yellow submarine,
yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
As we live
a life of ease
Everyone of us
has all we need
Sky of blue
and sea of green
In our yelllow
We all live in a yellow submarine,
yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine,
yellow submarine,
yellow submarine
